- 10/22/20 - Multnomah County Commissioner Lori Stegmann
- 10/22/20 - Paul Warr-King, Former Gresham City Councilor
- 10/22/20 - Wendy Lawton, Fairview Planning Commissioner & City Council Candidate
- 10/22/20 - Brianna Harris, Candidate Gresham City Council Announcement
- 10/21/20 - Barbara Adams, Northwest Neighborhood Association
- 10/8/20 - Lee Dayfield, Friends of Nadaka
- 10/5/20 - Heidi Dyk
- 10/2/20 - Sara Kiperman, Parent and Educator
- 9/25/20 - Mike Elston, North Gresham Neighborhood Association
- 9/22/20 - Cole Garber, College Student
- 9/16/20 - Christian Burgesss
- 9/16/20 - Jim Labbe, Our Parks Our Future Coalition
- 9/2/20 - Police Reform Op-Ed
- 8/17/20 - David Mackley, Public Administration Professional
- 1/14/20 - Campaign Announcement
- 9/8/17 - Wildfire & Community
About Dave Dyk Brochure with Endorsements.pdf |